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Drama: Favi, Fast Rising Talent Caught In Allegedly Relationship Scandals [See Details]

    Drama: Favi, Fast Rising Talent Caught In Allegedly Relationship Scandals [See Details]

    FAvi Feat Huloo Standard

    The pop interesting stories about being quite a celebrity are actions and fingers rolling in corners and today is definitely not a good day as Popstar and Independent Artiste, Favi has found himself in a mix-up and how guity, we can’t claim but however this is all we know.

    Favi Caught In Allegedly Relationship Scandals

    The Story and Drama Kicked off when a suppose identified party to this drama popularly known as “Marvel” joined the relationship trend on whatsapp, sharing a supposed picture where she was with the Pop Talent, Favi.

    The Photo however making rounds with reposts has drawn various reactions from onlookers and this however got to the reach of “Favour,” fondly called Bowlofhoney and one known to be the Girlfriend to Popstar, Favi, leaving the question who is which and which is who?

    See Photo of Favour and Marvel Below

    While we still on research and findings to know who really is the Girlfriend and whose on the other side, we quickly had to keep you updated, so what do you think?

    • He’s Cheating?
    • A Misunderstanding ?
    • Hoes looking for claims?
    • Clouts?

    Feel free to share your comment here

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