Charles Opurum sometimes known as Charles De Bahd Guy is an award winning broadcaster. He’s a graduate of the prestigious Federal University of Technology Owerri where he majored in Industrial Production Engineering.
Charles had always loved the Media and that influenced his decision to dump the engineer’s coverall for the microphone.
He’s worked with some big names in the industry, and has held down important positions in broadcast Media stations. The latest was his holding the position of Head of Programs at 91.9 Authority FM Nnewi.

Currently Charles hosts the Breakfast Show on Benin City’s award winning radio station 92.7 KU FM.
Charles Opurum is a voracious reader and a very creative and prolific writer. His radio programs are very popular as a result of his quick wit, sagacity and versatility. Combined with an analytical prowess that belies his young age.
You can link up with him via Twitter @CharlesKUFM & @Charlesopurum1 on Instagram.

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