Midnight Stories – Untruth ( Episode 4)
I was there on my seat , totally petrified and in awe of how evil someone
could be. This is a level of evil I’ve only seen in movies. This evil was sitting right on the altar , literally! . I was confused , Christy was trying to inquire was what wrong but I wouldn’t tell . More like I couldn’t tell. The service wrapped up and the Pastor called up the ” Deaconess ” to say the closing prayer . If only he knew ……
After service , we went to greet Christy’s Uncle and Aunty , the parents of the girl that got kidnapped. Christy asked that we go say Hi to ‘Aunty Sandra’ so that I’ll also thank her for the 50k she helped with when Christy was in need. Ofcourse , I said No. A resounding one at that . While she tried to persuade me to stop being shy , I saw Miss Williams walking towards us. I silently whispered ‘ Fuck , speaking of the devil’ .As she came close , Christy held me by the hand and pulled me so we met her halfway. She knelt now and greeted…
Christy : Good afternoon Aunty Sandra , you’re looking beautiful in this purple gown o .
Miss Williams : Haha , Thank you sweetheart . But I’ve told you , you don’t have to kneel to greet me. You could hurt your knee dear.
Christy : ( Laughing softly) I’m a Yoruba girl ma. It’s a necessity . Besides , I’m used to it . I’ve been kneeling since I was in primary school
Miss Williams : (Giggling) If you say so Christy. I just don’t see the reason you stress yourself . And yes , who is this handsome young man , is he the one ? ( She winked at Christy )
(God knows I didn’t understand how someone could pretend this bad. I was there giving a stern look and dropping fake smiles occasionally cause I really didn’t know how to hide my feelings but this woman was awesome at it. You could almost swear she’s never met me before .)
Christy : (Blushing ridiculously) Hehe , Yes ma. This is my boyfriend Matthew. Matthew , this is the Aunty Sandra I told you about .
Miss Williams : Wow , come here young man. ( She gave me a sidehug) . You look good and responsible . Are you a Student ? What do you do ?
Me : (Smiling vaguely) . I just finished my Ond . I am trying to get a job now. So I can save up and go for my degree at Unilag.
Miss Williams : Oh , nice . That’s very smart of you. How’s the Job hunting so far?
Me : Nothing good offer yet . I’m still hopeful
Miss Williams : Probably I can help. I will ask Christy for your number later on. I have to get going now. Christy , take care of yourself Sweetheart . Have a great week.
Christy : Thank you Ma. Enjoy your week too .
I was scared , I was confused . I just wanted to leave the church vicinity but Christy wanted to wait for her Exco meeting. I left anyway , to the annoyance of my girlfriend. About 2 hours after I got to the hotel room . Christy came in.
Christy : Really , I don’t know what your problem is !!! I told you that meeting wasn’t going to take more than 30 mins and I begged you to wait for me but you still left . And before that. Why were you acting awkward when I introduced you to Aunty Sandra? I said you should even help me say Thank you , you didn’t! Matt , what is your problem ? Is that too much to ask ?
I stood up and moved close to her .
Me : Babe , calm down. I couldn’t wait cause I had headache and about that Aunty Sandra , I don’t know why but I don’t really like her. Maybe with time I will.
Christy : Hmm , okay o. How’s the headache now? And what did Aunty Sandra do to you? You better like her o.
Me : hehe , I’m now fine dear. And I’ve heard you…..
I pulled her close and kissed her.
Christy : (giggling) We just came back from church o and I thought you said you have headache. ( But she still kissed me back anyway)
So I started unbuttoning her shirt and yeah! We had Sunday sex. I laid on the bed after .Trying to rest while Christy was asleep when my phone beeped .
Msg from Miss Williams – ” So you go to church. How nice. I’m sure you remember our confidentiality agreement and do not ask your girlfriend unnecessary questions. Crossing me comes with consequences. Your next appointment is tuesday- 5pm “
This woman is such a bitch! When Christy woke up. I asked for her Cousin’s pictures and she innocently sent them to me. I ordered her an Uber and I took one straight to Maurice’s place. I knocked and he opened the door, they were four in the room smoking . He was half high. I invited him to his room to have a serious discussion.
Maurice : This one whey you carry me come room. Hope say person no die o? You go like take one drag ? ( he offered a well rolled stick of loud)
Me : Bro , I go take am later. Make we discuss this level first.
Maurice : Ok nah. Wetin happen ?
Me : For Williams side. You don hear any name like Anu before?
Maurice : Anu? I no sure . E be like so. Wetin do the name ?
Me : Na girl , no be name. She tall small , get body like say she old but her face young. Her breast wan big like this. She Chocolate. You sabi am?
Maurice : I no sure o. I don knack many girls like that for that house o. You get her picture?
Me : Yeah yeah. Make I show you.
So I went to my gallery and showed him her pictures.
Maurice : Ahha ! This girl . I sabi am , I sabi am. She stubborn die. Them dey always point gun for her head that time before she gree me do my work. No tell me say you know am o!
I was severely heartbroken. Anu is actually a very sweet girl. The second born of her parents and very bright. I was pained. Maurice had obviously abused her severally.
Me : Mehn ! This is sad. This girl na Christy cousin bro.
Maurice : Which Christy? Your babe ?
Me : Yeah man.
Maurice : Wtf! ( He dropped his blunt ) . God! I no know man. I’m so sorry bro. Damn! And she don get belle now . Which kyn fuck up be this like this ?
Me : Na true fuck up o! You sabi where Williams dey always keep those girls?
Maurice : No bro. You know how she be now. Secretive bitch. I no dey even try find out.
I explained everything to him and Maurice was actually very sympathetic to the situation. So we made a plan to find out where she was keeping the girls. It wasn’t necessarily to save Anu , cause that would come back to bite us in the ass . But I just wanted to be sure the girl is fine and was being taken care of. That’s the least I could do to satisfy my conscience.
So I went for my Tuesday appointment and the plan was meant to go down on my next appointment which happened to be a Thursday.
On Thursday . Maurice parked at a distance outside the 2 storey building waiting on me. The plan was to follow the cars from a distance till they get to their destination. And that’s how we’d figure out where the girls are being kept. When I was done , I waited in the car with Maurice. We waited for about 30 mins before 3 cars were driven out of the compound. The Chevrolet Jeep in one direction and the Toyota Hilux and Buscar drove right past us. I’m sure we were well concealed. We were not sure which to follow but I figured Miss Williams would want to be in the same car with the girl and her guards will be in another car. A bus car will also be easier to convey the girls without issues. I saw no reason for 3 cars anyway. So we followed the Hilux and Bus car. We followed for about 40 minutes till they stopped at some hotel. Wierd , would they keep the girls in an hotel? 2 guards alighted from the Hillux and another 2 from the buscar. We waited and waited but there was No Miss Williams , neither was there any girl. Failed mission .
We went back home and decided we’d try again later. We’d follow the Jeep the next time. I was meant to go see Maurice on Friday but he didn’t call me to tell when he would be available. So I decided to go over myself to check him out.
I got there , I knocked and knocked but no one answered. So I tried to open the door. There was no one in the living room. So I went to his room. There was no one there too. Bathroom , no one! So I went to the kitchen and I found him on the floor. God! Who did this!!!!!
Maurice was bleeding severely . Beaten to coma and two of his toes were severed. Multiple injuries all over his face and stab wounds to his laps. Whoever did this wanted him to die a slow death. I was in shock! I quickly went to get his car keys and I lifted him into the car and drove to the nearest hospital. Praying with all my heart he doesn’t die in the car because that will be a problem with the police.
Luckily for him , I got there in time. He was attended to and he was stabilized. The probability that he would walk again was really low though. Could this be the handiwork of Miss Williams? Did she see us? Even if she did , could she be this evil? I kept on thinking. That means I’m in danger myself.
I waited till 2 of Maurice’s friends came to stay with him before I left. On Saturday morning , my phone rang. ” Miss Williams calling” . Miss Williams only ever texted me , this is the first time she would call so this was scary. I picked up .
Miss Williams : I was told you were there in time to save your friend. Very good! I told you crossing me has its consequences but you forgot so easily. All that was expected of you was to do your job and get paid but you decided to be stupid. I know your Dad is a Federal worker in Bauchi at the moment . Your Mom is a primary school teacher in Oshogbo and your little sister attends a secondary school in Osogbo also. Are you listening to me Matthew?!
Me : Ye Yes..ma.
Miss Williams : I promise I will make you suffer for what you’ve done. You have an appointment by 5 this evening. And if you don’t come. You won’t like the consequences. Bye.
She ended the call.
Episode 5 drops next
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