Lately I’ve had to journey through the genre RnBsoul, wondering if the genre still matters. At first I was of the opinion that this new school cats weren’t holding it down like the oldies did in the 2000’s. Lately my thought process has kind of changed, this change majorly wrought by certain new albums I’ve been opportuned to listen to.

I meant to write an opinion piece/review on the album “PARTYMOBILE” by PartyNextDoor but then it dawned on me “hey this wasn’t the only beautiful RnB/Soul project I’ve heard this month so I decided to do a full reveal (low-key I’m saved the stress of having to write about the 15tracks contained in that album. thank you Jesus).
Now I’ve been the sort of guy to actually really feel soul music when i’m bored or spent, I’ve spent close to four weeks indoors just being on my phone so yeah you can imagine the boredom. In all that time I’ve searched for music that will be soothing and I almost didn’t find save for a few off certain Apple Playlists.
In comes Summer Walker, I’ve asked around and folks recommended her music.. it will be important to note previously before now I’d heard about H.E.R, SZA and Ella Mai all of which didn’t really do enough to keep my interest, so i wasn’t that excited about Summer Walker.

Corona Virus finally becomes a thing in Nigeria and my boring stay at home is sadly extended, I’d planned to go out and basically enjoy the last days of March but here I am self isolating and social distancing. TheWeeknd announces a new album, his followers rage and rave anticipating awesomeness, me not so much cos i was yet to join The Weeknd’s bandwagon, I wasn’t oblivious of his talent I just had very bad memories of the album Starboy (which was very successful by the way) but traumatising for me.
I went on to give the album “After hours” a listen and that would be the beginning of a shift in my mindset towards the present day state of the genre Rnb. Emboldened by the sonical beauty of that project and still curious about the artiste Summer Walker, I clicked the play button on a NPR Tiny Desk live sessions on which she was a guest. The moment she opened her mouth to sing I knew “damn this was a talent” Her Pretty face(which was just a plus)…her well done edges accompanied by the soulfulness in her voice totally drew me in and at that point i felt “okay, i see what y’all see now” .
You probably beginning to wonder where all this rambling is leading to?.. well I’m basically saying there’s hope for the Genre RnB.. especially in the American scene which is where majority of my disappointments came from.. I’ve always and still feel their British counterparts are miles ahead in terms of creating soul music but with the few projects I’ve listened to lately i believe there’s a glimmer of hope.
I’d like to talk about the Genre in the Nigerian scene but time would fail me and I’d end up writing an awfully long piece .so maybe next time.
But I’ll leave you with a number of suggested RnB/Soul Projects u can and should listen to …Find them Below
- PartyNextDoor – PartyMobile
- TheWeeknd – After Hours
- Chike – Boo of the booless
- Lewis Capaldi – Divinely Uninspired To a Hellish extent
- Jhene Aiko – Chilombo
- Summer walker – Over it

Article by Ogbeni Shinzu , Proofread by Elile Favour.
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