Midnight Stories – Untruth ( Episode 6)
My heart started beating fast. Miss Williams only sent text messages so the only way to be sure what was happening was to check his messages with her .
To my surprise ! Segun had been involved since the third day I first met with Sandra. How canal!! The messages even indicated they’d been meeting up when I didn’t have appointments. My God! It was all beginning to add up. Segun never asked me questions. Never! He didn’t ask for the source of the money I’ve been spending , he didn’t ask why someone walked into our room a month ago and asked me to follow him and I obeyed instantly . He never asked me a single question. Not because he was minding his business , he was just playing a role. Spying on me , he knew my unlock code. He’d use my phone randomly claiming he was trying to place bets. He probably went through my chats with Maurice. This Segun is a damn basterd!! The alerts even indicated he was transferring money to his Zenith account as he recieved from Miss Williams. He never spent lavishly. I had no idea he had this amount of money. This dude was still eating concotion rice. What did I do to deserve this oh lord ? Segun knew details about my family , he comes to Osogbo to sleep over. I love this nigga for God’s sake! So he did this to me cause of money!!!
I didn’t stop at his text msgs . I went to his WhatsApp. I was curious to know what else he’d been doing behind my back. So I went to Christy’s name and I started reading the chat. The chat seemed platonic but there was this weirdness about it. So I went to the search box and I typed ‘sex’ . 8 chats popped up. I scrolled down and I saw Christy’s name. Ahh! I opened it. My body was shaking at this point. No no no! The message opened . It was a message from Christy.
” There is no excuse for what happened between us but I swear , it will never happen again. If I knew Matt went to Osogbo cause of an emergency, I wouldn’t have come that night to sleep over . I was sad and really needed to be with him . You should have been a gentleman and left the room so I would sleep alone but you didnt “
” You took advantage of me when I was vulnerable and I will never forget what you did. I hate myself for giving in . I forgive you Segun but we never had sex as far as I’m concerned. I don’t want to ever talk about this again . Thank you ”
Tears rolled down my eyes out of pain and anger. I would kill Segun if I lay my hands on him. I would tear him limb to limb , I would stab him till his intestines fall out. I realize you’ve been snitching on me but you also fucked my girlfriend! . What have I done to deserve this?
I sat on the floor experiencing enormous physical pain and I was mentally destroyed. Emotions flowed through my eyes as I wept. Headaches kicked in as my hands were shaking. Christy the love of my life has had sex with Segun. I’m broke with no job and no true friend. Could life be worse!
I plugged Segun’s phone and I laid on the floor to cry. I needed to let it out. There was no one in the room so I cried , I cried like a baby. I didn’t know if I hated Christy or I was just dissapointed. But I knew I still loved her. As I imagined him on top of her. I wept the more. I slept off in the process. When I woke up. Segun was already in the room. He was eating Bread and moin moin. When I raised my head to look at him. I felt some sort of calmness in me. I don’t know if it’s because I’d cried and let it out but I wasn’t really angry anymore. I just hated him , that’s all. I didn’t feel like killing him , I just wanted him to suffer. He tried to start a convo
Segun : Matty , you don wake. howfar nah? Why you been sleep for floor? That match bloody o! But Ororo na still their papa. My boy score 2 goals.
Me : Ok
Segun : Hahaha , na Ok you go talk ? If to say na that short man score now. We nogo hear word for here.
Me : Ok .
( Then I looked away )
Segun : ( Calming his tone ) Nigga , wetin do you ? You dey H? I buy your own moin moin too bro. E dey table.
Me : Ok .
Segun : Ah! Alright o. When you ready follow me talk. I dey here.
This guy is such a basterd. See how he’s acting like he doesn’t know anything! It shall not be well with this boy!!! . I looked at him with disgust as I grabbed my phone and slippers and stepped outside.
When I got outside . I called Christy. She picked up.
Christy : Baby , how are you ?
Me : I’m fine.
Christy : Your voice is low. Hope no problem?
Me : No problem . Where are you ?
Christy : I’m in my hostel . Are you around dear ?
Me : No , I’m not. Can you come over very early tomorrow morning ?
Christy : I have 12 pm class but I’ll try to leave here early enough. You’re scaring me. Are you sure there is no problem?
Me : There is no problem. Just come over tommorow.
Christy : Ok babe. I will. Have you eaten?
Me : No.
Christy : Please find something to eat.
Me : Ok , take care of yourself . I wanna go charge my phone.
Christy : Why are you rushing now? You’ve not called me throughout today. You finally call and now you’re rushing.
Me : I have to go. Just come tomorrow morning.
Christy : I don’t know why you’re acting like this o but alright sha.
I ended the call and I just remained on my seat. I sat there imagining what Segun and Christy did. How my Account balance was N8.25 and how I was beaten mercilessly. The pain sank in as I dropped my head.
I unlocked my phone. Then I saw that Maurice had left multiple messages. Thank God! That means he was stable enough to type.
His msgs read :
” Guy , that woman fuck me up bad bad. She wreck me no be small. I for die but the boy na eternal “
” I appreciate you man. If to say you no show. I for exit like that. Thank you blood “
” But that Williams go suffer I swear. I don call my Brother whey dey Mapoly. E dey carry boys come tommorow”
” Them go trace that woman reach anywhere. Them go exit am , exit those her guards , exit those girls whey she dey use make money join , the ones whey don get belle and the ones whey never get , I no care. All of them go die!”
” I swear , I no wan know if anybody dey innocent. Na all of them I go eradicate. Doctor dey yarn me say I fi no waka again”
” It’s fucked man! If I’m gonna kill that old woman with my dying breath , I will do it “
” I just talk say make I hala you first and make I thank you “
” You fi come see me anytime , I dey here “
What the hell is wrong with Maurice???!!! He can’t involve his brother. Michael is a blind lion. Destroys everything in his path. I have seen him in action before and it wasn’t funny. A no 1 frat man in Abeokuta ! Anu is one of those girls for God’s sake. And Michael doesn’t listen to second instructions. He listens to only the first thing you tell him and he takes action. Death is never the answer. Why did Maurice do this ? . How the hell do I stop this from happening tommorow? !
Episode 7 drops soon.
Written by Enny Kastiel
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