Midnight Stories – Untruth ( Episode 5)
She was basically inviting me to fuck me up and I had to be there . Because she just told me the location of my family
and I understood the threat perfectly. How she knew that amount of info? I don’t know. Because only few people are privy to that information. I was practically shaking. Segun noticed and he was concerned . I couldn’t tell him shit.
I was enveloped in fear. The whole day I thought of what to do. I prayed fervently for the first time in months .I prayed that Miss Williams’ heart be touched. I cannot survive what was done to Maurice. I would fucking die! . My mother will be so dissapointed if she ever got to know any of this. God!
By 4.30 pm , I got a call from the driver. It was time to face the music. I went outside , totally prepared for the worst and the drive was the most silent and scariest I’ve endured in my life.
When I knocked. One of the huge guys came to get the door. Miss Williams was seated on the couch with another hugie behind her. She was sipping wine . She said in a very firm tone ” Come over here and go on your knees ” . I obeyed without hesitation.
Miss Williams : Do you know you’re innately stupid?
Me : Yes Ma . I do . Please forgive me. I’m very sorry I swear . It won’t happen again
Miss Williams : Shut the hell up !
I was shaking as one of the guys moved close to me . He slapped the side of my head with a very hateful force. I dropped to the ground , tears already lining my eyes as I watched the other guy pull his belt . He moved close to where I was and delivered a stroke right to my face. The other guy joined in and I could feel the strokes everywhere. My neck , my back , my face , legs , everywhere! and the belts were leather belts. I was beaten like a child. Whipped mercilessly as I screamed and cried like a girl . After what seemed like forever . Miss Williams ordered that they stop.
Miss Williams : Go on your knees and look at me.
The task seemed impossible as my whole body was hurting but I managed to obey the instruction. When I looked into her eyes. I was even more scared. I could see pure hatred laced in her look. This woman could kill me without hesitation.
Miss Williams : I was straightforward with you Matthew ! Do not cross me and keep our business confidential. That was all that was required of your stupid ass! But you wanted to be the hero. Look at me while I talk to you!
( I struggled to keep my gaze on her as tears blocked my eyes and my head kept dropping )
Miss Williams : ( Her tone suddenly calm ) I was twelve when my first period came . My Dad had been shot in a robbery and my Mom died when I was born. I lived with my Dad’s sister and her husband as they struggled with poverty. As a little girl , I needed help to understand the new changes in my body. So I approached my Aunty and told her what was happening. I remember the bright smile she had on her face as she explained to me that I had become a woman. She used the money for our dinner to buy me pads and I couldn’t have felt more loved.
Six days later. I was in my room when I felt two hands grab my feet. I screamed for my Aunty severally but no one came to my aid.
Matthew , fucking look at me when I am talking to you!!
I raised my head and I could see true emotion in her eyes.
Miss Williams : I managed to reach for the switch beside my bed and when the light came on. It was my Aunty’s husband. He tried to rip off my panties as I struggled and kept screaming for my Aunty . Suddenly , someone appeared at the door and it was my Aunty . My savior was here , I was slightly relieved. Her husband knew of her presence but wasn’t fazed . I didn’t know what was happening. She came closer to the bed and I was just there confused.
My Aunty climbed on the bed and held down both of my hands as her husband raped me brutally . I cried , trust me. Really cried and I felt betrayed. This went on for a while and It ripped me apart at first. But as time went on , I started to like it. The way he fucked me without regard , without care , the way he held down my neck whenever he came. I loved every bit of it.
( I raised my head to look into her eyes and she was smiling as she talked. This woman is a psychopath I swear!!!)
Miss Williams : I started to anticipate when he would come at night. I would be disappointed if he didn’t show up sometimes. This went on till I missed my period . I was pregnant and it was a miserable time of my life but at the end of the day my first baby came around. Ofcourse , he was taken away from me and for a while , it was devastating. But I remember my Aunty taking me to the bank , opening an Account in my name and she put 10 thousand pounds in it. That’s when I realized what was happening. My baby had been sold to people who would love him and that was my share of the money.
Oh , I so loved the process . I fucked him harder each time as I thought of another 10 k pounds in my account. In two years , I had two more babies and a whole lot of money. And I was relieved because I knew my kids were being taken care of by people that needed them the most. A win win situation. ( She laughed softly)
You see Matthew . Your act of Heroism was stupid. Every single girl I have brought here has an account opened for her. They will get 15million naira per baby they birth successfully. And after 3 babies , they get to fly out of the country to start a new life at anywhere they deem fit. The girls do not know the power in their biology . They are young and stupid. They do not know people need what they have been given freely! You were trying to save Anu weren’t you ? . It was easy to figure out. Well , Anu is just 15 and has had two abortions.
( I was shocked!)
Miss Williams : Oh , you’re surprised? She confided in your girlfriend and your girlfriend confided in me and I have decided to take Anu’s beautiful biology into good use. For your information , Anu is happy where she is. So you really wasted your time.
Now , bring out your phone and open it.
I did as I was told
She used the phone for a while and smiled as she checked through.
Miss Williams : ( Smiling ) You’re not like Maurice. You’re quite frugal. You’ve been saving. Nice . You still have 510 k here. Now , take the phone and transfer all the money in your account to the account no I will call out to you . I’ve realized you don’t deserve shit.
Me : Please Miss Williams , don’t do this. ( I was crying)
Miss Williams : Shut the hell up boy ! Money is the last thing you should be worried about in your position.
So she passed the phone and I transferred everything to her. I was back to 0 zero level mehn!
Miss Williams : I happen to like you. You know right ? You’re calm and collected , unlike Maurice. So I’ll let you go. If you do anything stupid , you know what’s at stake. Now get the hell out of here!
I have never felt more defeated in my entire life. I had so much plans for that money , I had plans for the money I hadn’t even made yet. As tears dropped from my eyes , the body pains kicked in. I was escorted to the car and when I checked my face in the side mirror . It wasn’t recognizable . I didn’t know if I should feel regret or feel stupid.
When I got home. The door was locked. I reached under the footmat to get the key. Segun’s phone was on my bed plugged in to his charger. He probably went to watch football and left his phone to charge. I laid on the bed wreathing in pains for 30 mins . Segun’s phone beeped right beside me.
It was an alert of 120k . Really? Segun’s pocket money is 30k per month . Who is sending him 120k ? I was curious so I decided to check.
Msg read
“Acct: 0151992469
Amt: NGN120, 000.00 CR
Avail Bal: NGN143,254.73 “
Oh god! What the hell is Segun’s involvement with Williams? Wtf!!
Episode 6 Up Next.
Written by Enny Kastiel
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